My Honors Thesis will investigate the poetry of John Wilmot, Second Earl of Rochester, with an eye toward determining exactly what values he is in favor of. I have studied Rochester's work in the past, reading two of his poems in the Fall of 1998, and studying his complete works while at the University of York earlier this year. I find him an interesting and engaging author, and look forward to doing more in-depth work on his poetry. Professor Anne Howells has kindly agreed to supervise my work.

Research will include Rochester's correspondence, critical works on his poetry, and a look at his life and times. Most of the books I require are available through the Occidental library, but I expect to request some through inter-library loan, and to make use of both my mother's and Professor Howells' books on the subject as well.

As the Honors Regulations stipulate, I will have completed an outline and bibliography by September 14th, and a rough draft by November 1st. I expect to have the bulk of the research completed and to begin writing by the end of September, and to submit the final version of my paper to the defense committee on or before December 15th.

Tentative Bibliography

Wilmot, John The Complete Poems of John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester. Vieth, David M., ed. Yale University Press: New Haven, 1968
--. The Rochester-Saville Letters, 1671-1680. The Ohio state University Press: Columbus, 1941
--.. Rochester: Complete Poems and Plays. Dent, J.M., ed. The Guernsey Press Col Ltd,: Guernsey, C.I., 1993

Burns, Edward ed. Reading Rochester. New York: St. Martin's, 1995.
Farley-Hills, David. Rochester: The Critical Heritage. Routledge and K. Paul: London, 1972
--. Rochester's Poetry. Rowman and Littlefield: Totowa, N.J., 1978 Green, Graham. Lord Rochester's Monkey. Viking Press: New York, 1974
Griffen, Dustin H. Satires Against Man: The Poems of Rochester. University of California Press: Berkeley, 1973
Longueville, Thomas. Rochester and other Literary Rakes of the Court of Charles II. Longmans, Green, and Co.: New York, 1903
Lord, Geoge deF., ed Anthology of Poems on Affairs of State. Yale University Press, New Haven: 1975.
Main, C.F. "The Right Vein of Rochester's Satyre." In Essays in Literary History Presented to J. Milton French, ed. Rudolf Kirk and C.F. Main. Rutgers University Press: New Brunswick, 1960.
Rogal, Samuel J. "The Control of Honest Expression: Offensive Language in Rochester's Poetry." Ball State University Forum.. vol. 30 no. 1, 1989 Publications, New York: 1972
Treglown, Jeremy. Spirit of Wit: Reconsiderations of Rochester. Archon Books: Hamden, Conn. 1982
Vieth, David M. Attribution in Restoration Poetry; A Study of Rochester's Poems of 1680. Yale University Press: New Haven, 1963

Clark, John R. Satire - That Blasted Art. Putnam: New York, 1973 Feinberg, Leonard. The Satirist: His Temperment, Motivation, and Influence. Iowa State University Press,: Ames, 1963.
Hannay, James. Satire and Satirists. Redfield: New York,1855.
Jack, Ian. Augustan Satire. Oxford University Press: New York, 1970
Pinto, Vivian de Sola. The Restoration Court Poets. Longmans, Green: London, 1965
Wilson, John Harold. Court Satires of the Restoration. Ohio State University Press: Columbus, 1976.

Smith, Alan G.R. Science and Society in the 16th and 17th Centuries. Science History
Willey, Basil. 17th Century Background. Chatto & Windus: London, 1942


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