Found over at Very Black is Rhondalicious.
Ten movies you’d watch over and over:
- Amelie
- The Matrix
- Star Wars
- Six-String Samurai
- Quills
- Monty Python and the Holy Grail
- The Princess Bride
- The Boondock Saints
- A Clockwork Orange
- Any Universal horror film
Nine people you enjoy the company of:
- Jen
- Kay
- ‘chell and co.
- Cousin Keith
- Cousin Ellen
- Cellrat
- Mei
- Dad
- Loads more I can’t list, dammit!
Eight things you’re wearing:
- Socks
- Faconnable jeans
- My “Unseen University” sweatshirt
- undies
- a hairclip
- my pentacle necklace
- um… that’s it, really.
- Usually I wear my Doc Marten’s, does that count? They’re on the floor next to me.
Seven Things on your Mind:
- Finishing this thing
- putting in my MUSD contract hours (I’m doing this in spurts on breaks from that)
- financial issues
- my damn cyst – should I give it its own page, or is that too morbid?
- updating a bunch of my websites
- missing my Brit friends (esp. Cellrat)
- Halloween
Six objects you touch everyday:
- My bed (sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep…)
- My computer
- My beloved pens
- My alarm clock (even on days off I need it or I sleep for like 14 hours straight)
- My wrist braces (have to sleep in the stupid things)
- A coffee mug (don’t have one I use every day, but I do use one of the many in the house every day)
Five things you do everyday:
- Sleep (yes, I’m fixated)
- Check email
- Update my blog (well, almost)
- Bitch and moan
- Babble about whatever I’m currently obsessed with.
Four bands that you cooldn’t live without:
- The Red Elvises
- The Hives
- The Phenomenauts (did you vote yet?)
- Throwing Toasters
Three of your favorite songs at this moment:
- “Hate to Say I Told You So” – The Hives
- “Phenomenator” – The Phenomenauts
- “Living @ Home” – Throwing Toasters
Two people that have influenced your life the most:
- My Mom
- My Dad
One person that you love more than anyone in the world:
- Um… don’t have one, really. If we’re talking platonic love, then it’s Jen, probably.