PromoGuy’s Monday Mission 2.48

Better late than never, right?

1. Suppose God (or your deity of choice) grants you one miracle. Consider the world in which we live. Consider your life and family. What would you request for this miracle? Are you sure that is the best way to use it? You only get one.
Oh, man, this is hard. Maybe I’d wish that the people who are struggling financially be granted enough money to get through their problems (without relatives dying or anything). Something like that. Or, possibly, that the US gets over its bad self and stops using so much oil from the Middle East and trying to play copper over there.

2. I believe that prayers do get answered, but I realize not everyone agrees. Have you ever had an experience where you truly believe your prayer was answered? If you don’t believe in such things, how come? What is your philosophy on prayer?
I believe prayer works, if only because I had a lot of people praying for me during my surgery and came through a LOT better than expected.

3. Have you ever lost a pet? That is, have you ever had a pet get loose, run away or be stolen? Did you get it back? How did the loss impact your life?
Yes. Sunny, our oldest cat, was a wandering kitten and got lost two or three times. We put up signs and people called us. I was really upset (being only 7 or 8 at the time). Now, my two youngest cats are indoor cats, not indoor/outdoor like Sunny was.

4. Getting together with family at the holidays is great, I just love it. Most of all I love the food. What is your favorite holiday food?
pumpkin pie!

5. One thing I’ve noticed about the holidays is that no one makes Pumpkin Pie like my Grandmother. She has totally spoiled me on her recipe, I just don’t like the taste of anyone else’s Pumpkin Pie. Are there are dishes or desserts that someone in your family fixes better than anyone else?
Mom’s Pumpkin Pie. Aunt Laurie’s stuffing. Dad’s Christmas cookies!

6. Since I have no brothers or sisters, I am always wondering what it would have been like. Now that I am older, it kinda stinks that I will never be an Uncle. Do you have any siblings with children? How does it make you feel to be an Aunt or an Uncle? If not, would you like to be have nieces and nephews? Would you make a good relative to them?
I have no siblings at alllll. Would kind of like to have had ’em – it’d be interesting to be an aunt.

7. I am putting together a CD of great holiday music. Do you have any suggestions of what songs (title/artist) I should include?
“Christmas at Ground Zero,” Weird Al Yankovic. “I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas,” by Gayla Peevy (I think)

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