PromoGuy’s Monday Mission 3.20

This week’s Monday Mission.

1. This seems to be the year for movie sequels (Terminator 3, Matrix Reloaded, 2 Fast 2 Furious, LOTR: The Return of the King, etc.). Is there a movie you would like to see Hollywood make a sequel to?
There are several. Lemme see, just off the top of my head:

  • Grosse Pointe Blank
  • Buckaroo Banzai: Across the Eigth Dimension
  • Pitch Black (I know there’s a sequel/spinoff/something in the works, but I haven’t heard anything really concrete about it yet)
  • Last of the Mohicans

2. What movie sequel do you think should never have been made?
Hm…. My automatic response is “Highlander” – but I love “Highlander 2” if only because it got me interested in the franchise. It’s an absurd, terrible film, but a lot of fun.

3. Are there any books (comic, novel, etc.) that you would like to see made into a movie? Who should star in it?
Oo! I want to see Good Omens or one of the better Discworld novels done as a film. That would rule. Terry Gilliam is supposedly working on a Good Omens treatment, but I’ll believe it when I see it. Not sure who’d star – a young Alan Rickman would be perfect but… well… he’s not young anymore. Ideally, I’d want to see unknowns in the films.

4. When was the last time the you got a shot at the Doctor’s office? Do you prefer them in the arm or your backside? Or would you rather just take a prescription?
Wow, a shot? Not sure… Hm… I got a shot a couple years ago for a migraine that wouldn’t go away. I think that’s it. IVs don’t count as shots, right? ‘cos I had an IV when I was in for my surgery.

5. Do you make friends easier in “Real Life” or online or is it about the same? Do you have closer friendships in “Real Life” or online? Why do you think that is? Are you ok with that or would you like to make a change?
It’s about the same, I think. I have about equal numbers of online/”real life” friends. That’s fine by me.

6. When you first got your drivers license how did you feel ? Did you get it on the first try, second, third, more than that ? Do you have a license ? If no, do you plan to get one ? Why or why not ?
Got it on the first try, and was quite chuffed to have it – even though it meant I spent a lot of time running errands for my parents.

7. Have you ever had your tonsils removed? Did you ever come close? Tell me about that.
Nope, never even come close. Sorry.

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