We take posession of the new apartment (which the fiancé has christened Youhaas Global Corporate Headquarters) on Thursday, and are packing like fiends. I spent the weekend running around picking up and paying for all the furniture I found on Craigslist and now my trapezius muscles are killing me. You haven’t lived until you’ve maneuvered heavy pieces of furniture down narrow, steep stairs to your double-parked Suburban in San Francisco. Yikes.
We’ve got almost everything lined up for the new pad except cable and renter’s insurance. The fiancé is handling the former today and we’re going in tomorrow to do the latter. Rawk. Go us. Thursday we begin the long process of hauling all our stuff over. ‘course, we won’t really be moved until the cable is all installed – I mean, we aren’t really going to start living there until we can hook up our TiVos. :D
Days until move: 3
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