Dear Internet:

You are entirely too full of awesomeness for me to blog properly. It’s not fair. My “Stuff to blog” bookmarks folder is constantly overflowing, dammit.
Don’t ever stop.


Stuff that made me go YAY!:

  • This LJ entry has the best response to the nurse who asks “…and when was your last period?” at the doctor’s office. Awesome.
  • Women Wage war on Weenie Waggers. Title says it all, really. Awesome.
  • Best comeback ever to being called “sweetheart” by a stranger.
  • You can read full entry, but this is the pertinent part:

    “You used to do that too y’know, when you were a small child.” my mother told me as we walked back to her place. “Yeah,” I replied “But you told me to knock it off, strangers didn’t have to do it for you. That’s the difference between a parent and a breeder. “Parent” is a verb.”

    So true, so true. “Parent is a verb” is a slogan I’d love to see on bumperstickers everywhere.


Cool Photos:

General Hilarity:

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