What is it with me lately? I just can’t seem to wake up in the morning.
Anyway. This made me chuckle, even in my half-asleep stupor: Origami Boulder. For just $10, you too can have an origami boulder. Free shipping for a limited time!
The hate mail page alone is worth the click.
A real-life ‘Fawlty Towers’ cafe is a big hit. You too can eat there and be harassed and abused, just like on tv!
Mexican Mennonite Punk Rocker – what will they think of next?
Check out World of Ends for a neat essay on the internet – what it is (stupid – but in a good way) and what it isn’t (something governments can control).
And last but not least, I’ve been catching up on Sinfest and am reminded what a totally kick ass comic strip it is. Go read it.
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