Category Archives: Uncategorized
Spring is here! Ssspring is here!t
Life is skittles and life is beer. I think the loveliest time of the year is the spring. I do. Don’t you? ‘course you do! No, I won’t be off poisoning pidgeons in the park or anything, I just think … Continue reading
NaNoWriMo: Day 24
Woo, 40k! I am back on track! Downside: I have 10k words left to go and I am OUT of plot. Crap crappity crap crap. On the bright side, I can probably spend that much padding out people’s life stories … Continue reading
NaNoWriMo: Day 21
WOO!!!! 30,001!!!!! ALL IN ONE DAY TOO! Darn you Rock Band and your terrifying allure! But now I am done for the day (4,464 words, thank you very much!) so I can go play some more! YAY!
NaNoWriMo: Day 6
Well, I wrote 2120 words today. Not bad. I’ll catch up eventually. At least the plot outline is pretty much done. Wooo.
Day Zero: Placerville, CA – Salina, UT 630 mi
Yesterday we drove from our place in Santa Clara to a friend’s place in Placerville, CA (196 mi), which took about 3 hours. Today we drove on US-50 from there to Salina UT (630 mi), which took about 12 hours. … Continue reading
Balance Meme
I was tagged by Laughing Muse with a meme started by Lillie at A Writer’s Words, an Editor’s Eye: To participate, write a post about balance in life and link back to this post. Answer any or all of the … Continue reading
I am not a financial advisor, but… Issue 1
First, a disclaimer: I AM NOT A FINANCIAL ADVISOR. IF YOU ARE BROKE OR LOOKING FOR INVESTMENT ADVICE, SEEK ADVICE FROM SOMEONE WHO IS, ETC ETC ETC! Anyway. Man. Money is a bitch. Seriously. But there is a certain sort … Continue reading
Weight Loss is goddamn hard.
Wow. Naamah writes about losing weight. She’s right, it is really goddamn hard. I know that what it eventually took for me was having an ovarian cyst that pressed on my stomach so I didn’t eat as much. And being … Continue reading
I met Lemony Snicket!
I met Lemony Snicket! Originally uploaded by Ealasaid. Holy Moly! Look! I met Lemony Snicket! Well, OK, Mr. Snicket couldn’t make it. I met Daniel Handler, his representative. I took a ton of photos, of course. They’re in the same … Continue reading