Category Archives: Uncategorized
Douglas Addams sums up the blogger mentality: People who are trying to decide whether to create a blog or not go through a thought process much like this: The world sure needs more of ME. Maybe I’ll shout more often … Continue reading
Pterry and me
Pterry and me, properly Originally uploaded by Ealasaid. I met Terry Pratchett again last week. Sorry I didn’t blog it sooner! He spoke a little and signed books for ages, poor man. Two things I have to brag about: 1) … Continue reading
You know you’re a movie
You know you’re a movie geek when you sort throughyour 57 posters, decide to keep only 35 of them, and realize that of the ones you’re keeping, 22 are movie-related (the rest are mostly the Red Elvises and travel pictures). … Continue reading
In case you were wondering how my Labor Day weekend went…
Elbow, while rollerblading Originally uploaded by Ealasaid. I got a flat tire, fell off my rollerblades, and had to work on Labor Day itself. Feh.
The Stare
the stare Originally uploaded by earthdog. Wow. I totally look like a zombie in this pic. Good job, Rich! (you decide if I’m sarcastic or not, heh)
Naamah said, in a recent
Naamah said, in a recent comment, Oh, no! Tiny shit is not to be overlooked in its power to make you want to kill. I have always maintained, to make a hero you subject a person with a strong personality … Continue reading
Class of 2000, repreSENT!
Class of 2000, repreSENT! Originally uploaded by Ealasaid. OK, see? THERE WERE OTHER PEOPLE AT MY REUNION. Now all you clever “ooh, you had a reunion with just fish?” people can go see pix of actual human beings. ‘course, if … Continue reading
OMG. They’re remaking Casablanca with Owen Wilson and Paris Hilton! ARGH!
Unconscious Mutterings
This week’s Unconscious Mutterings: Material world::We are living in a… Satin sheets::black Blizzard::Dairy Queen Real estate::Agent Dress up::little kids Wesley::Crusher Robber::mask Saliva::Dentist Slave::Master Shift::key
My car must be blessed. First, I backed into my roomie’s car in the driveway – the corner of my rear bumper slid along her driver side door. Almost no damage to her car (seriously, you can hardly see the … Continue reading