• Vote For Me

    by  • March 4, 2004 • Comedy

    Director Nelson Antonio Denis; Starring Ricardo Barber, Malik Yoba, Angel Salazar, Jose Ramon Rosario, Gloria Irizarry, and Manuel E. Santiago.
    03/10 7:15pm, 03/11 4:45pm (MD-SJSU); 03/13 10:30am (UT-SJSU)
    ‘R’ for language.

    In a delightful, rough-hewn comedic farce about the politically incorrect taking politics by storm, “Vote For Me” is a positive charge. Leo, a scrawny and in-your-face New York building superintendent for whom life is just one hassle after another, makes a break for respectability after the district congressman keels over while giving a speech. Tired of drug dealers owning the street corner, tired of being pushed about, Leo makes an emotional decision one night to jump into the election fray.
    Leo is socially clueless, and he’s running against two some-what political savvy opponents. Al Blanco, a engaging Democratic Party buffoon, and racial opportunist Dr. La Bimbuu, her mantra, “I am the only black women running in this election!” being her platform. Leo is not suave, he is not debonair, and he’s definitely not politic. He is raw, forceful, determined, and out there. With a take- it-or-leave-it attitude toward almost everything, Leo becomes the favorite son of El Barrio, New York. The televised trio debate was especially a kick. Leo’s campaign platform? “I’m gonna kick those drug dealers in the ass!” A campaign promise Leo keeps.
    The story was good hearted. The music solid. The characters being caricatures of politicians almost everywhere. None appears to escape the underlying acerbic wit of writer/director Denis. Aside from Barber (Leo), the acting was a bit fuzzy. Characters angry one moment becoming loyal fans without cause the next.
    The political lunacy that oozes from “Vote For Me” is derived honestly. Denis was a New York state assemblyman for four years. He saw the craziest profession up close and personal. The story was a treat for me as I was born and raised in Brooklyn. And the political antics weren’t that much different.
    It’s been stated that the worst thing about political jokes is that some of them get elected! Well, “Vote For Me” takes us on a comedy trip to see for ourselves.


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