• Security

    by  • March 10, 2004 • Cinequest 14, Comedy

    Directed by Brien Burroughs;
    Starring Stephen Kearin, Tim Orr, Regina Saisi, Gerri Lawlor;
    Screenings: 03/12/04, 9:15pm (Camera 3); 03/14/04, 11:30am Morris Dailey Auditorium SJSU
    Comedy is serious business. It takes hard work and talent to create the environment and trigger mechanisms required to make people laugh. And that’s when people want to laugh, are willing to laugh, and are waiting to laugh. There are very few folk on this planet that can improvise humor. Jonathon Winters and Robin Williams immediately come to mind, and even they work diligently at their craft. Unfortunately for the film, “Security,” Kearin and Orr are just not that capable. Working in a chocolate factory as night shift security guards, Dull and (if possible) Even Duller, stagger through their scenes unscripted and apparently undirected. Any comparisons to Laural and Hardy is strictly a typographical error.
    The film offers a plausible plot. Special chocolate products are being snatched under the less-than-attentive noses of a pair of witless security guards. Find the culprit(s) and save the day. Hurrah. But with a pain in the caboose cast of script less characters, missing-in-action-direction, and a nervous quirky editing, this film goes nowhere. Offbeat, unconventional, and with a twist of a creative idea, a film by any other name may have worked, maybe. Then again, maybe not.


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