• Awful Normal

    by  • March 15, 2004 • Cinequest 14, Documentary

    Director Celesta Davis
    Subject: Sexual Abuse hidden under normalacy
    winner of the Cinequest 2004 Documentary Film Award
    The story traces Celesta and sister Karen’s personal, heart rending journey through their discovery of why bad things happend to them as children and why what happened remained hidden…for 25 years!
    The driving question that forced them into uncertain but compelling waters, was “WHY?” They had to know why a family friend exposed their innocence, why he remained in their social circle, and why the problem wasn’t address nor solved.
    Director Davis simply told me that, “The film had to be made. This story had to be told.”
    Silence isn’t the answer. And victims should not be made to feel guilty. This very serious and sinister problem should not be driven into hidding. Davis’ film helps bring an awareness to the table that is touching and compelling. Hurrah for the Davis sister’s bravery in facing such dark corners and painful memories and for sharing them with so many.
