• Cinequest 14 Wrap-up

    by  • March 15, 2004 • Cinequest 14, General

    Ealasaid looks back at the festival now that it’s over.

    Cinequest 14: A Personal Perspective
    Ealasaid A. Haas
    Cinequest, San Jose’s annual film festival celebrating the maverick spirit, ran from March 3 through March 14 of this year. As you may have guessed from the capsule reviews published over the last few weeks, your humble reviewer spent the last week and a half watching as many movies as humanly possible. Cinequest 14 was a phenomenal event, and those who weren’t able to make it down to San Jose for any of the films should definitely mark their calendars for next March and watch www.cinequest.org for updates on the schedule for Cinequest 15.
    Cinequest is a marvelous experience: a rare opportunity for folks in this area to see independent films without having to drive up to San Francisco. Cinequest is made up of films of every stripe from documentaries to dramas, comedies to heartbreaking tragedies. They come from the heart of their makers, because independent films usually aren’t big money