• Missionary Positions

    by  • February 19, 2005 • Cinequest 15, Documentary

    When Mike Foster spoke with God, God gave him his mission in a single word: Porn. Mike and his friend Craig Gross, both pastors from California churches, started xxxchurch.com, an anti-porn site offering everything from a prayer wall bulletin board to software to help porn addicts break the habit. “Missionary Positions” travels with them on research expeditions (to Amsterdam’s red light district, among other places) and in their attempts to get the word out about their site via ads, talk shows, speaking engagements, and media spots. They struggle to make their message heard, and ironically find theselves making a successful ad for the site with a porn director who doesn’t like the way the industry is going. They’re doing their best to fight the good fight, and this documentary gives us an inside look at just how difficult that can be.
    Screens 3/11, 9:30 pm (Camera 12) and 3/13, 4:30 pm (Camera 12).