• Shorts Program 1: Comedy – The Final Frontier

    by  • March 7, 2005 • Shorts

    This collection of shorts includes some real gems. “The Adventures of Big Handsome Guy and His Little Friend” is a delightful look at the friendship between the Big Guy, who gets all the chicks, and his Little Friend, who is constantly in his shadow. When Little Friend has had it, he lets loose — with unexpected results. “Cut & Run” gives us Delmer, a rough and tough bail enforcement agent whose true calling may be hairstyling. The odd, recursive films “What The” and “Stop!” will make you laugh and turn your view of the world inside out. “Danny Bot” is a reworking of the famous song “Danny Boy.” “Billy’s Dad is a Fudge Packer” has one joke but works it well in a parody of those old 50s educational films. “Blake’s Junction 7” and “Danny Bot” are odd but interesting, while “D.E.B.S.” and “Pulled Over” take well-known setups and add an unexpected element. “Spam-ku” is a strange look at life’s disappointments and the way the fine print in contests can get you into trouble. Finally, “Fluent Dysphasia” shows us what happens when a less-than-helpful Dad finds himself unable to speak English.
    Shows 3/5, 3:00 pm (Camera 12) and 3/6, 11:00 am (Camera 12)