• The West Wittering Affair

    by  • February 26, 2006 • Cinequest 16, Drama

    Shows: 3/09 7:00 PM (Cal); 3/10, 12:15 PM (Cam 12); 3/11 5:45 PM (Cam 12)

    “The West Wittering Affair” is a strange and ultimately unsuccessful blend of comedy and drama. It skips back and forth through time as it tells the story of a weekend that changed the lives of all involved forever. There’s Natasha and Kath, two women who have been best friends forever, but whose friendship is rocked when they both find themselves after Jamie, a young man who is unlucky in love. Greg, Natasha’s ex, becomes involved when Jamie seeks him out after the weekend turns from bliss to misery for him.
    Similar to “Closer” in feel but not quite as coherent, “The West Wittering Affair” veers between half-hearted comedy that holds back from pushing the envelope and somewhat contrived drama. It’s difficult to explain why it doesn’t quite gel, and it could be that the right viewer in the right frame of mind might enjoy it. This reviewer, however, found it simply not engaging. It’s hard to care about characters who never quite commit to being realistic or over-the-top.

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