• Cinequest Opening Night

    by  • March 5, 2006 • General

    “Thank You For Smoking” gives Cinequest a darkly hilarious opener
    Ealasaid A. Haas
    Wednesday March 1, Cinequest opened its 16th run in San Jose with a bang of a gala: a handful of speeches, a cynically hilarious film, and a full house at the after-party.
    The gala, held at the historic California Theater, had film fans lined up well before the doors opened. After a brief speeches by Cinequest founders Halfdan Hussey and Kathleen J. Powell and plenty of thanks for the festival’s sponsors, they rolled the film.
    “Thank You For Smoking” is a razor-sharp comedy about big tobacco lobbyist Nick Naylor (Aaron Eckhart, “Paycheck”, “In the Company of Men”). He makes his living by defending big tobacco and trying to win over the hearts, lungs, and minds of Americans. When a senator (William H. Macy, “Cellular”) launches a bill to get cigarette packs labeled as poison, Nick goes on an all-out blitz to make smoking cool again. Normally he’s unstoppable, but he may be held back by the triple threat of his son’s burgeoning interest in his activities, a legit death threat, and a reporter (Katie Holmes, “Batman Begins”) who looking awfully closely at his business.
    The script, based on Christopher Buckley’s novel of the same name, is so sharp it hurts — both the near-absurd wit and the cynicism hit their marks. The cast members step up to the challenge and deliver performances that walk the line between hysterical and over the top. It’s like watching a brilliant tap-dancing performance by an ensemble — the timing, energy, choreography, and rhythm combine to provide a thoroughly entertaining, exhilarating spectacle.
    After the movie, folks walked over to the Paragon Restaurant & Bar at the Hotel Montgomery for a packed after-party. There was live music, a chocolate fondue fountain, plenty of appetizers, and wine poured by roaming waiters. There was also the Paragon’s bar, staffed by its efficient bartenders. Filmmakers, film fans, and press mingled and schmoozed, and a good time was had by all.
    “Thank You For Smoking” opens in limited release on March 17, but Cinequest only runs through March 12. Be sure to check the CineBlog, http://www.ealasaid.com/cineblog/ , for Ealasaid Haas’ and W. Fred Crow’s up-to-the-minute coverage of Cinequest movies and events.