• Bal Can Can

    by  • March 8, 2006 • Cinequest 16, Comedy

    Bal Can Can is a dark, dark comedy bordering the line of the twisted. A civil war is raging and follows brothers Trendafil and Santino across Europe as the one (Trend) is seeking to escape the violence – and find his deceased granny wrapped up in a rolled carpet, and the other, Santino, bound by an oath to provide aid to his blood brother when requested. Even in the hard, violent life of Greece, Montenegro, Kosovo, and Bulgaria humor can be found, but only in a fantasy laced reality.
    An engaging cast captured attention, especially Trendafil. We cared about him and his ultimate “mission.” Side jokes were all about. Just had to be looking for them. Bal Can Can had momentum and tempo and kept the audience interested the entire trip. Humor had its foundation on the surrounding conflicts and even with a dark story line as the skeleton, laughing out loud appeared the norm. The film maker did snap up some great open scenery. However, the film was poorly subtitled leaving us with a struggle to keep up with the text and story flow. Overall, a nicely done film.
