• For Sale By Owner

    by  • March 8, 2006 • Cinequest 16, Drama

    In the same fluid field of fright brought to the screen by famed Alfred Hitchcock, “For Sale…” is a thriller in the same vein that offers a sinister evening at home. Frightened? That may be simply due to uninvited and unwanted guests! Beware…
    It was a dark and stormy night. Lightening flashing, thunder rumbling, and Sera was home all alone. She turns in her kitchen to find a man standing in the living room. The door was unlocked and he let himself in. He’s seeking the signature of the owner to sell the house. Sera doesn’t know anything about the impending sale. Andrew, the salesman, begins waiting for a ride and begins to show his manic personality. He grows in anger and force, especially when challenged. The more he drinks the more pushy he becomes.
    Then enters the Security service repairman. He’s there to replace a computer chip. He’s a bit nervous and carries a religious tick…sort of a depressed evangelist type, who condemns sinners and judges others. With a gal home alone, a drunken and belligerent salesman, and a bible thumping fundamentalist, what follows is all about the film. You’ll have to see it for yourself.
    The film was dark – seriously, low lighting was used which added to the intended tension. The music score helped hype up the creepy feeling that crept about. Keep in mind all that went before, then let the ending happen. The ending is worth the wait. The story had me convinced one way, then another; then back to the first; then…well, you get the idea. The storyline leaves you guessing right up to the end. This is a well done thriller.
