• The Method

    by  • March 8, 2006 • Cinequest 16, Comedy

    Making my list of delightfuls is film short, “The Method.” An aspiring actor enlists the aid of a never-failed agent/acting coach. Using his services can (almost) guarantee securing that special role. It’s in his method; Complete and total immersion into the character. Unfortunately for Brad, the character he’s hoping to play is a hardhearted criminal. So, for 24 hours before the audition, he’s a criminal, and to get into character he’s taken on real capers rewiring his mind, until in his his mind he now thinks and acts and talks like a criminal. Of course he gets the job, but he has a night of criminal mayhem to answer for. Funny stuff.
    The story was well thought out. The filming felt a bit campy. However, the overall effect of the acting, filming, storyboard and backgrounds was solid comedic entertainment all quite entertaining.
