• Long Pigs

    by  • February 15, 2007 • Cinequest 17, Horror

    3/9 10:00 PM Camera 12, 3/10 11:59 PM Camera 12

    “Long Pigs” is a strange film. It feels like it’s supposed to be a black comedy, but it isn’t quite funny enough. Possibly because your humble reviewer is terribly, terribly cynical. A mockumentary, it tells the story of two young filmmakers who follow a cannibalistic serial killer as he goes about his business. Intercut are interviews with a liberal police psychologist and a conservative detective, who each offer their takes on serial killers. it’s interesting, sure – especially from a special effects standpoint. The dummies used for the long how-to shots as the killer dissects the corpses for their meat are fantastic, provided you have a strong stomach.
    There is an uneasy reality to the film – I suspect the filmmakers were going for the over-the-top kind of humor present in Sean of the Dead’s final reel, where we see how the living dead are integrated into daily life. However, they didn’t quite push the envelope far enough and the final act is predictable enough that I was itching for it to wrap up so we could all go home.

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