• Blood Car

    by  • February 19, 2007 • Cinequest 17, Comedy, Horror

    3/02 10:30 pm San Jose Repertory Theatre, 3/04 8:30 pm, Camera 12 3/10 1:30 pm Camera 12

    It’s a little bit in the future, just a few weeks. Gas is over $30 a gallon, and nobody bothers driving anymore. But sweet, vegan Archie Andrews has an idea: a car that runs on wheatgrass. But then one night, he discovers through an accident that his would-be wheatgrass engine won’t run on wheatgrass alone: it needs human blood. Soon his car is running smoothly and he’s attracting the attention of both the ladies and the government.
    This surreal romp is something of a cross between a horror movie and a satire about just how far people will go to keep their cars running. It’s a little on the rough side, but for a first-time director it is a solid, entertaining hour and a half. Provided you’re into movies with plenty of silly, cheap-special-effects violence, at least.