• Short Films Program 4: Animated World

    by  • February 26, 2007 • Cinequest 17, Shorts

    3/8 4:30 PM Camera 12, 3/10 4:15 PM Camera 12, 3/11 11:15 AM Camera 12

    Digital technology has advanced so dramatically over the last few years that almost anyone can make a beautifully-rendered CGI animation film at home. The technology is being used beautifully by filmmakers, as this long collection of thirteen short films demonstrates. It also includes shadow puppetry and stop-motion, with a little computer graphics used to help out here and there.
    Some of the stories are charming and sweet, like “One Rat Short,” about love at first sight between a wild rat and a lab rat; some are creepy, like “Loom,” which shows us how a strange weaver gets her materials; a few are comically surreal, like “13 Ways to Die At Home,” in which we are warned against burnt toast and clowns, among other things. Not all of the shorts included here will please everyone — several are very peculiar and will likely appeal more to film students and art fanciers — but there is something for just about everyone.