• Applause

    by  • March 4, 2010 • Cinequest 20, Drama

    Applause is a film of angst and despair. From start to end, the film places you on scene as voyeur, watching the dysfunctional world of Thea (Paprika Steen) crumble. That’s the plot. That’s it. Nothing else. What makes this film watchable is Steen. She embraces and breathes energy and life into her desperation. Steen overcomes a no-plot story and gives us reason to spend time in theater seats. We feel her sadness, we feel her hope and want, and that’s what I seek in a film – to feel. Entertainment is heightened when I feel the turmoil and emotions of the main character. Steen leaves nothing on the cutting room floor, she gives it all. Applause is a dark, black film with a definite Indie feel. If you want a plot, go elsewhere. If you want to see an engaged character, Steen’s performance is a must-see.
