• A Kiss and A Promise

    by  • February 28, 2011 • Cinequest 21, Drama, Horror

    3/3/2011 7:15 PM, Camera 12
    3/6/2011 1:15 PM, Camera 12
    3/7/2011 2:00 PM, Camera 12

    Even setting aside the tired “ooooh, a bisexual serial killer!” cliche it revolves around, “A Kiss and a Promise” is a disappointing film. It follows the escapades of the outwardly meek but sociopoathic David, his fiery and masochistic wife Samantha, and the sole regular tenant of their B&B, Charlie — who’s also David’s lover. Not satisfied with the arrangement, David begins picking up, raping, and murdering young women. As the police close in, all three characters begin to disintegrate, with disastrous consequences. David is a pathetic, whiny killer (he keeps begging one of his victims to kiss him like she’s enjoying his assault on her) and Samantha is frustratingly oblivious to the serious flaws in him. Charlie manages to be interesting, but devolves into a flailing mess all too quickly. The cinematography is nice, but the rest of the film left me cold.