• God and Gays: Bridging the Gap

    by  • March 8, 2006 • Cinequest 16, Documentary

    Shows: 3/06 7:15 PM (Cam 12), 3/10 9:30 PM (Cam 12), 3/12 10:30 AM (Cal)

    What’s it like, the opening credits song asks us, to be gay and Christian? “God and Gays” answers the question by presenting interviews with people struggling to reconcile their sexuality or their children’s sexuality with their devotion to the Christian religion. The anti-gay movement is discussed but its spokespeople are not interviewed. That makes sense, because this is not their story and their opinion of homosexuals is well known. This is a look at the people who are torn between their love for the Christian God and their love for their own gender.
    The interviews range from funny to heartbreaking. There is footage from a demonstration during which a family — mother, father, and openly gay son — are carted away by sheriffs after reading an open letter to James Dobson, the Head of anti-gay group Focus on the Family. There are discussions with homosexual ministers and lay leaders. There is even a discussion with a formerly high-ranking member of an ex-gay movement. There are no easy answers here, and the film presents a portrait of the struggle without a definitive portrait of what the world might look like if either side wins. This is a compassionate, heartfelt look at a struggle that reaches from religion to politics.