• Cinequest: A Guide to San Jose’s Maverick Film Festival

    by  • February 25, 2008 • Cinequest 18, Uncategorized

    Whatever your angle, if you’re interested in independent film Cinequest is well worth checking out. Below are brief guides for some of the many sorts of folks who might enjoy attending. Be sure to check the Films and Events listings at www.cinequest.org to confirm times, check out new additions, and buy tickets.
    * Unless you buy the Elite Pass, which gets you into the express line, be sure to show up early for films. This reviewer usually plans to show up at least 30 minutes ahead of time, pass in hand.
    * There are plenty of places to eat downtown, though many of them are a bit pricey. Remember to schedule time to eat if you’re planning to see a lot of movies in a row, even if you just stick a granola bar in your pocket. Water is also important — most venues will allow bottles of water with sports tops.
    * The events and forums can sell out, so unless you want to depend on rush tickets, get your tickets as far in advance as you can.
    * Parking is usually scarce and pricey during Cinequest, so if at all possible, take public transit. There are park-and-ride lots at man light rail stations, and light rail you drop you off right in the heart of the festival. Save money, time, and the environment!
    * Unless you’re attending screenings and events all at the same building, wear comfy shoes for walking. It’s farther from the Camera 12 Cinemas to the California Theater than you probably think!
    * Not sure what to see or what to avoid? Check out www.ealasaid.com/cineblog for reviews. New ones are posted frequently.

    Buying Tickets or Passes: www.cinequest.org, 408.295.FEST (295-3378), or at the box office of any Cinequest venue.
    Cinequest Venues:
    * Camera 12 Cinemas – 201 S.Second Street, San Jose 95113
    This Box Office opens one hour prior to the start of the first screening of the day, or 11AM, which ever is earlier.
    Please note the Camera 12 Cinemas have 2 box offices in this building. The Cinequest Box Office is NOT the first box office directly across the Paseo from Starbucks. Continue down the Paseo another 50 yards to find the
    Cinequest Film Festival Box Office.
    * San Jose Repertory Theatre – 101 Paseo de San Antonio, San Jose 95113-2603
    This Box Office opens 30 minutes prior to the start of the scheduled event.
    * California Theatre – 345 South First St, San Jose 95113
    This Box Office opens 30 minutes prior to the start of the scheduled event.

    You’re sort of person who makes up such a big portion of Cinequest’s attendees that there’s a special pass just for you. It will get you into any film screening (provided you are early enough in line that they don’t run out of space) without having to buy tickets.
    Planning: Check out the list of films at http://cinequest.org/films.php and the reviews at www.ealasaid.com/cineblog to make a list of films you’re interested in seeing, then cross-check them with the evenings you’re available on the schedule at http://cinequest.org/schedule.php If you like short films, don’t miss the 48 Hour Film Project screenings, Friday February 29 and Saturday March 1.
    Tickets: If you’re going to see more than 12 films, get a Film Lover Pass ($125.00) to get the most bang for your buck. Otherwise, the bundle of ten tickets for $75 or individual tickets for $10 are the way to go.
    Love movies, and love learning about making them? You’ll want to see as many movies as you can as well as attending the forums.
    Planning: Mark off the next two Friday-Saturday pairs in your calendar and plan to spend them downtown. The forums run all day Friday February 29, Saturday March 1, Friday March 7, and Saturday March 8. You can attend individual sections of the forums if you can’t make the full day. Also take a look at the film schedule to see what you can take in — after all, you need to see what sort of things are being done to get ideas and learn what to avoid!
    Tickets: For movie tickets, see Film Lover above. The forums are $15/day. If you’re planning to attend all the forums and a bunch of movies, consider the Films and Forums pass ($135), which will get you into any films and into all the film and technology forums.
    Love movies and anybody who makes them? You won’t want to miss the movies OR the Maverick Spirit Events, where filmmakers like Danny Glover, Michael Keaton, and Michael Arndt talk about their experiences. Also be sure to make it to the parties if you can, where the creators of films showing at Cinequest will be milling around, happy to talk about their movies.
    Planning: See Film Lover, above, and look at the events schedule at http://cinequest.org/special_events.php
    Tickets: Individual events are $10-$15, and if you’re planning to attend a lot of films as well as the events, take a look at the Premier Pass ($195). It covers the Maverick Spirit Events, Film Forums, and all the film screenings.
    Don’t want to miss a single thing at Cinequest? Forums, films, events, parties, even the VIP lounge? Well, there’s a special angle just for you, if you have the time and money.
    Planning: Schedule a vacation from work and look through the entire schedule online at http://cinequest.org/schedule.php to see what all you want to attend.
    Tickets: The Elite Pass ($500) is the way to go. It gets you into everything, plus express entry so you don’t have to show up as early or wait in line as long.