• How To Be…

    by  • February 9, 2009 • Cinequest 19, Comedy

    Screenings: February 28, 7:15 PM (Cal); March 2, 7:00 PM (Cal).
    Art (Robert Pattinson of “Twilight” and the “Harry Potter” films) is a desperately unhappy struggling musician in London. His girlfriend dumps him, his friends don’t understand him, and his relationship with his parents is thoroughly dysfunctional. Desperate for a change, he turns to self-help books and finds It’s Not Your Fault, a step-by-step guide to fixing your life. When he learns that the book’s author is available for in-person, at-length work, he shells out to bring the man to England. The elderly author moves in with Art and his parents, and acts as a catalyst for change — but not in the way anyone was expecting.
    This is a charming and thoroughly odd comedy about growing up and spreading one’s wings. It’s thoroughly enjoyable to see Pattinson as a lovable loser after his turn last year as the impossibly perfect vampire hero of “Twilight.” This young man has some serious talent, and films like this may help keep him from becoming too typecast to show it.