

This is just a place for me to gather good pieces about gender.

Alok Vaid-Menon Is ‘Fighting for Trans Ordinariness’ Alok is amazing. Excerpt:

There are no such thing as trans issues. There are issues that nontrans people have with themselves that they’re taking out on trans people. A great example is when they talk about our “agenda.” “The transgender agenda: It’s recruiting people.” My agenda is the ability to exist in public without the fear of being physically assaulted.

What Is a Woman? (a response), from Julia Serrano. Excerpt:

Almost every single word in the dictionary has multiple (sometimes well over a dozen) definitions. We intuitively understand that words can have different meanings or evoke different ideas depending on the context. In a genetics class, if I talked about a woman, you might think of XX chromosomes; in a discussion about women’s reproductive health, you might think about ovaries, uteri, and vaginas. But if I mentioned having a conversation with a woman that I know from work or ran into at the store, you wouldn’t think at all about her chromosomes or reproductive organs (unless, of course, you were some kind of creep). Rather, you’d realize that I’m talking about women as a social class: people who move through the world as women and are interpreted and treated (and sometimes mistreated) as such.

In her piece, Serrano links to this excellent, chilling piece: The Transgender Question. It’s from 2018 but depressingly relevant in 2024 when I’m writing this. I’d offer an excerpt but can’t settle on one. The whole piece is a must-read, especially if you think the title’s mirroring of “The Jewish Question” from WWII is hyperbolic.

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