
Having Large Breasts

Large breasts are often (at least for me) annoying as fuck, for a whole host of reasons. Other people more eloquent than I Have written eloquently about it.

When My Body Gets In The Way from Eliza McLamb:

I resent the fact that I must sequester any part of my body in order to function in the ways that I desire. I resent that my body disagrees with and at times inhibits my autonomy. I resent that in writing this, I see my own blind spots about how people in disabled bodies may feel this way constantly, and how a well-fitted sports bra would offer none of the comfort to them that it may offer to me in my goal of alleviating this suffering. I think about the way our bodies get in the way and how to move forward even when we know that this may always be true.

On having gigantic boobs from Clementine Morrigan:

For the record — it’s extremely fucked up to ask someone if they’ve considered surgically altering their body because they’ve expressed frustration with the way they are treated. I’ve also had people slide into my dms to share about their own dysphoria and disgust with their breasts and how a reduction or total top surgery helped, and while I respect people’s right to do what they want with their own bodies, I have not expressed dysphoria or disgust with my breasts. I am talking about the way I am treated and the way it makes me feel. It is not okay to suggest or imply that I should consider surgically altering my body.


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